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Beach at Sunset


Integrative therapist

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We all deserve to feel our best and to live the life we want but we often haven’t been taught how to achieve this. Although it is easier to go online, speak to friends or read books to try to understand why we feel a certain way it often takes the skills of a trained professional to really begin to feel a noticeable shift. Clearly understanding how we create our own reality and realising that we have the power within ourselves to change our reality can make all the difference.

I offer both integrative therapy and life coaching to adults of all ages in person in the Tunbridge Wells area and surrounding towns including Sevenoaks, Tonbridge and Orpington. I also work globally with clients from all hemispheres on zoom. Whether you are single, in a relationship, employed, self-employed or a business owner, a student or retired I can help you.

I have a special interest in chronic fatigue including long COVID, anxiety and stress-related conditions.  All of these are so common in today’s world where the internet and social media mean we are under constant pressure. I work with a whole range of issues including the following:



Panic attacks


Self- esteem and confidence issues

Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Chronic fatigue syndrome/ME


Coping with a difficult past

Low mood

Anger management

Weight loss

Nail biting

Sleep disorders

Pain management

Grief and bereavement

Relationship issues and divorce

Emotional pain or overwhelm

Parenting issues and challenges

Exam stress or anxiety

Enhancing performance in the Work/sport/home environment

Making and achieving goals

Gaining confidence

Overcoming blocks to future success

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Hiking in Sunset

"The way we think determines the way we feel and the way we feel affects how we behave.

Using simple techniques it is possible to change our way of thinking to create a calmer and more positive approach to life."

Natasha Todd

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I am an integrative therapist and coach working with a unique blend of traditional talking therapy and modern solution focussed techniques including clinical hynotherapy, emotional freedom technique (EFT) and NLP. 

15 years ago I developed ME/chronic fatigue. At the time I was working in the City as a commercial lawyer and also had 3 young children.

When the medical profession was unable to help I embarked on a fascinating journey of personal development and learning in my quest for recovery. This journey took me to the world of psychology, self-healing and self-empowerment. I learnt how intricately the mind and body work together, and encountered story after story of individuals recovering from complex conditions and illnesses using the latest mind-body tools and processes.

Such was my personal success with these evidence-based techniques that I decided to retrain.  Since then I have successfully helped numerous individuals to overcome their challenges and find ‘ease’ in their lives. 

I work non-judgmentally with compassion and empathy, creating a calm, safe and confidential environment in which clients feel able to ‘open up’. My therapeutic skills coupled with an advanced analytical ability and a high level of intuition will typically gain results quickly.

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The key to effective therapy is the client-therapist relationship. Therefore it is vitally important that you work with someone that you feel comfortable with. I offer a safe, confidential and non-judgemental environment. I am known for my intuition and my empathetic and compassionate manner putting clients at ease from the start. 

I tailor each session to your unique needs, combining traditional talking therapy with modern, solution focussed techniques including clinical hypnotherapy, NLP and EFT. Sessions last 60 minutes and can be open-ended or for an agreed time period.

I offer a FREE 30 minute chat with all potential clients to gain an initial understanding of your needs and for you to hear how I work and assess whether I can offer what you are looking for - see How I Work for more details.



As a coach I look at where you are now and where you want to be in any area of your life be it work, relationships, projects, hobbies. By helping you identify and overcome any obstacles or challenges that might be blocking your path I can assist you to achieve the future you want.

I can assist you to achieve your goals. As a life coach I assist clients to create a better future including:

 - enhancing performance in the work/sport/home environment

 - making and achieving goals

 - gaining confidence

 - overcoming blocks to future success

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I offer a FREE 30 minute initial consultation either by phone or on Zoom. This allows you the opportunity to understand more about how I work and ask any questions you may have before deciding whether you would like to work with me. Please do call or email now to book your free session or just get in touch for a quick chat or to ask any questions you may have.

Individual sessions last one hour and cost £100.

Please ask about discounted rates if you are a student or have financial restrictions.

I offer face to face sessions in Knockholt Kent. If you are not local to this area or would rather not travel I also work very successfully with clients worldwide on Zoom.

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I am an integrative therapist and coach, qualified in Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT and life coaching.

I am a Member of the the British Institute of Hypnotherapy & NLP (BIH). As a member of this governing body I am obliged to receive regular clinical supervision and to engage in continuing professional development which ensures that my therapy is safe, effective and up to date with current and relevant knowledge.


NLP stands for Neuro (brain) - Linguistic (language) - Programming (how we function) literally means learning the language of our own minds. It is like a manual for the brain and is a proven model for accelerating human change by helping us to improve the way we think, feel and behave.


EFT or 'tapping' is often referred to as 'emotional acupuncture without needles'. Using acupressure techniques, this ground-breaking approach offers a simple, powerful and effective method for changing feelings and thoughts and relieving physical and emotional pain. It often works where nothing else will. Used either on its own or integrated with other approaches, such as traditional counselling or NLP, it often accelerates the course of therapy and can achieve incredible results.

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Hiking in Sunset

"When life feels a challenge, taking that first step to help yourself can be very hard, but it is often the first step that changes your life"

Natasha Todd

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Respecting and honouring client confidentiality is at the heart of what I do. Although client photos and names cannot be given here are some snippets of feedback that clients are happy for me to share.

"I have seen many different practitioners over the course of my recovery from ME and I can honestly say that Natasha is the best I have come across. I found her to be highly intelligent and professional, yet sensitive and insightful. She was able to clear massive life-long blocks in a relatively short space of time which other professionals had failed to do. She has a warm and friendly personality and I always felt safe and nurtured when working with her"

"I saw Natasha four times to help with low confidence and anxiety and the sessions made a huge difference. Natasha is a very competent and confident therapist; she is a caring and calm person and very easy to talk to. I cannot recommend her more highly"

"When I first booked a session with Natasha I was at a very low point in my life and was suffering from quite severe anxiety and panic attacks. After only 3 sessions I felt so good; in fact better than I had done for years. I would recommend Natasha to anyone that needs a little support in dark times. With her help, trust and understanding I am a different person today"

"Natasha is a skillful, wise and empathetic therapist with an excellent understanding of chronic fatigue and its underlying issues. I always felt so much better after a session with her and could see real, positive improvement in my condition. Natasha is such a warm and encouraging person, I would not hesitate to recommend her"

"I have always been a worrier and have had periods in my life of quite acute anxiety which have stopped me being able to do the things I want. When my GP referred me to Natasha I was reticent at first as I was cynical about therapy but my experience has been nothing but positive. Natasha is very calming and easy to talk to. She has a fantastic understanding of the causes of anxiety and was able to give me strategies that really helped. I only needed 5 sessions and am now feeling so much more in control of my life and all my symptoms have massively diminished"

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Please get in touch to find out more about how I work, and to discuss whether I can help you.

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